Add a 1-Click Voicemail button to your website in under 60 seconds and you'll start getting more responses, potential clients and customers from your website...
Watch The DemoThis software adds an easy 1-Click VoiceMail button on your site
that allows your visitors to leave you a voice message that instantly reaches you inbox
and you can reply to it anytime you want.
For every website, just create a new widget, select colors based on your site's color scheme.
Copy paste the generated code into your site, you can show this widget on one page or all pages.
You will start getting voicemails from your site helping you turn more leads into sales.
Visitors to your website want to leave you a message to contact you about your product or your service - but they need to fill out a CONTACT FORM in order to get in touch with you.
This VoiceMail Software Works on Any Website
This is an amazing way to collect testimonials, feedback and voice messages from your visitors.
This gets you thousands of leads from your website and helps you grow your website traffic fast.
This is an amazing way to build your list and you can export these leads into CSV anytime you want.
Voicemails are more personal & replying with voice builds a better relationship with potential customers.
One Tap is all it takes for your next potentially big customer to reach you, you reply fast and close the deal.
This software can store unlimited leads & contacts from all your websites, export them into a CSV anytime.
We've tested this on many tablets & phones, works great on Apple, Google, Samsung and almost all mobile devices.
It depends on the plan you select from the pricing section below. But if you go for the unlimited option you can send and receive unlimited voicemails and use this on unlimited sites.
Yes you can add a widget to a client site & add their email to that widget so they get the email notifications of the voicemails while maintaining control of the account so if they stop paying you can cancel it.
It works for almost all types of mobile devices - we have tested this on samsung, apple and many other brand mobile phones and tablet devices. There could still be a few that this may not work on and we always work towards improving the product.
Sure you can try it out on the contact section of our website.. But make sure you click on the Allow Microphone Access button after you click record. That is important :)
New Leads Captured
Websites Use This
Widgets Active
Customers Love This
If you want more leads, more sales and turn more visitors into customers from your website, this app will help you do that.
Pick the best plan that suits your usage, the Unlimited is the best value for money...
If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the form below and reach us, we reply within 24hrs..